UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15)

UNESCO, The Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and the UK National Commission for UNESCO request the pleasure of your company at a hybrid COP15 side event.
This side event will illustrate how UNESCO designated sites — biosphere reserves, global geoparks and world heritage sites — are ideally positioned to implement the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, by virtue of their holistic and participatory approaches to governance and management, and membership of global networks that facilitate the sharing of innovative solutions and approaches.
Laura Davies, UK Ambassador to UNESCO
Roda Muse, Secretary General, Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Eleanor Haine, Advisor, Natural Sciences, Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Guy Debonnet, Chief, Natural World Heritage Unit, UNESCO
Jean-Philippe Messier, Manicouagan-Uapishka Biosphere Reserve, Canada
Meriem Bouamrane, Chief of Section, MAB Research and Policy: Ecology and Biodiversity, UNESCO
Adepoju Adeshola, Chair of MAB ICC, Nigeria
Kyla Judge, Georgian Bay Biosphere, CCUNESCO Youth Advisory Group, Canada
Barbara Engels, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany
Room: Side-event 1, 512E
Thursday 15 November
13:15 – 14:45 EST

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