In 2008, Karen co-founded New Media Networks, an international communication, production and training consultancy that works globally on content creation and media strategies. The company undertakes regular work with international and national broadcasters, the BBC, organisational members of the Commonwealth Family, the UN and regional agencies. In these contexts, Karen has developed a range of events and activities designed for broadcast i.e. masterclasses, showcases, training and discussions, which include Media Literacy.
Karen spent nine years at the BBC and throughout this time she has worked in World Service Education on global broadcast projects, as Director of Education for the BBC World Service Trust (now Media Action) and lead on a new educational partnership between BBC World Service and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
She also has 20 years of experience working across the UK as an Arts and Media Practitioner with community-based Arts Companies, producing independent programmes for BBC Radio 4 and 5Live, as well as creating and co-leading ‘SoundRadio’.
Karen has dedicated her time to vital charity efforts throughout her career, having participated as a member of the UNAIDS Communications Task Force: aids2031, Chair of Newham’s Community Health Council and a board member of ‘Acting Up’, a charity building digital platforms for self-advocacy for people with learning disabilities.