Around the world, the legacy of past industrial activity such as the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) worldwide and the current disposal of waste have had damaging effects on world populations. Today, as climate change becomes more apparent and developing countries experience mushrooming economic growth, the need to find new solutions to waste and energy sources is even more pressing.
The Chair team at the Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC) at Cardiff University are shaping the future by tackling the problems caused by the environmental effects of waste, regionally and around the world, and are providing new solutions to energy generation.
Problems associated with contaminated land, landfill engineering, land reclamation, slope stability, waste disposal, including high level nuclear waste, and heat losses from buried objects, are aspects of the centre’s research, together with the influence of environmental conditions on the performance of underground distribution systems.
The growing demand for energy, climate change and a carbon constrained future mean that the geo-environmental agenda is of increasing strategic importance globally. With its wide remit of work and interdisciplinary expertise, the GRC plays a major part in developing pragmatic solutions to such challenges.
Devin Sapsford is a Professor in Geoenvironmental Engineering and lead Geoenvironmental Research within the School of Engineering, Cardiff University.