The event commenced with addresses and statements from Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General, Lidia Arthur Brito, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences and Dr. Nickolas Zouros, President of Global Geopark Network (GGN).
These were followed by a key-note speech from Sophie Justice, European Geopark Network Coordinator, entitled “Shaping Tomorrow: UNESCO Global Geoparks for Peace and Sustainability”. The remainder of the event was made up of three discussion panels on the following themes:
- Geodiversity for Sustainable Development
- The impact of UNESCO Global Geoparks
- Extending the network and strengthening UNESCO Global Geoparks
Representations to these panels were made by delegates including James Bridge, on behalf of the United Kingdom.
On the evening prior to the 10th Anniversary event, the UK Geopark representatives and Dr Kirstin Lemon, Chairperson of the UK Global Geopark Committee and Member of UNESCO Global Geoparks Council, were invited to the British Embassy in Paris to meet Anna Nsubuga, UK Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO. The meeting enabled participants and Ambassador to have informal discussions on the role and benefits of UNESCO Global Geoparks to the UK and the future of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme.