The week of free, online events, mark both World Water Day and the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation 2025 and start with four lunchtime online presentations:
- Monday 17 March (12-1pm): Prof. Alexander Milner, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, 'Climate Change and Glacier-fed rivers'
- Tuesday 18 March (12-1pm): Dr Lauren Somers, Dalhousie University, 'High-drogeology: Mountain Groundwater Under Climate Change'
- Wednesday 19 March (12-1pm): Prof. Wouter Buytaert, Imperial College London, 'Co-producing local knowledge for global water security'
- Thursday 20 March (12-1pm): Dr Jon Mackay, BGS, 'Glacier retreat and water resource impact modelling: perspectives from a hydrologist'
On Friday 21 March (1-3pm) there will be a panel discussion 'World Water Day 2025: Glacier Preservation', which aims to raise awareness about the issue of glacier preservation, and provide a platform for discussing innovative solutions to tackle the challenge. The panel discussion will be chaired by:
- Professor David Hannah, University of Birmingham
- Professor Stefan Krause, University of Birmingham
- Professor Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham
With panel members:
- Thomas Gribbin, Doctoral Researcher, BGS
- Professor Rachel Carr, Professor in Glaciology, Newcastle University
- Dr Nick Barrand, Associate Professor of Glaciology, University of Birmingham
- Dr Sihan Li, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, University of Sheffield
- Dr Caroline Clason, Associate Professor of Physical Geography, Durham University
The World Water Day activities are held by the Birmingham Water Research Centre under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair in Water Sciences and UNESCO UNITWIN network on Ecohydrological Interfaces at Birmingham, the Birmingham Institute for Sustainability & Climate Action.
World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis. A core focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030