Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature

Edinburgh was designated the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature in 2004, being the founding city in an international network of UNESCO Cities of Literature.

Key Information

Year of Inscription:
Link to Website:

What makes this UNESCO Designation special?

For over 20 years, Edinburgh City of Literature Trust has helped grow a global network of international literary cities, for the benefit of writers and literature professionals, bringing opportunities for paid commissions, supporting creative practice and broadening networks.

Over this time, this Creative City has worked with more than 250 partners to deliver approximately 300 stand-alone and multi-session events and projects, reaching an audience of at least 325,000 and millions more through its on-street installations and online programmes, and look to continue to do more.

Readers and writers across Scotland have benefited from our projects. This creative city has broken down barriers and changed people’s views of literature with its Robert Louis Stevenson Day and citywide reading campaigns. They've transformed their urban public spaces using literature by inscribing the words of Scottish authors into the city’s walls and pavements, projecting poetry onto Edinburgh Castle rock and covering the world’s only railway station named after an author's work with his writing and poetry.

Edinburgh City of Literature Factsheet 2024
Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site Factsheet 2024
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This website was produced by the UK National Commission for UNESCO as part of its Local to Global programme, made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund, thanks to National Lottery players.