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“Since wars begin in the minds of men (and women), it is in the minds of men (and women) that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”  UNESCO Constitution, 1945

The mission of UNESCO is one of peace and security for all. UNESCO works to deliver this through forging international cooperation in education, science, culture, and communication & information.

The UKNC supports the UK’s contribution to UNESCO and brings the benefits of UNESCO to the UK. The Commission is supported by grant funding from the UK government, but is an independent, not-for-profit organisation.

Could you support the work of the UK National Commission for UNESCO?

The UK National Commission for UNESCO welcomes support from businesses, organisations and individuals who share our commitment to UNESCO’s mission and values in education, science, culture, and communication.

Companies and Organisations – corporate giving

We welcome support from like-minded businesses and organisations. We operate a ‘Partnership‘ programme for companies and organisations who would be interested in working with us. Current and previous Partners include L’Oreal, Visit Scotland and Praxis.  We are also happy to accept corporate giving*. (*subject to appraisal)

Individuals & Trusts – wills and legacy giving

Individuals and Trusts can support the work of the UK National Commission through personal giving. Donations and legacy grants in wills enable us to support vital UNESCO programmes and projects here in the UK and overseas.

We are happy to discuss any specific programme areas or projects that individuals or Trusts wish to support, to ensure the appropriate use of donations.

If you are interested in supporting the work of UNESCO in the UK in this way, please contact us in confidence using the form below.


3 Whitehall Ct
London SW1A 2EF

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