British Academy Innovation Fellowship: the RoundView


In 2023, the UK National Commission for UNESCO (UKNC) and University of Manchester (UoM) received a £120,000 British Academy Innovation Fellowship to help support UNESCO sites to embed and teach sustainability with their partners. The Fellowship application was led by Dr Joanne Tippett, UoM, and Matt Rabagliati, Head of Policy, Research and Communications at the UKNC.

The RoundView is a toolkit for sustainability thinking and learning. With a science-based set of guidelines to redesign our systems so we don’t cause environmental problems in the first place, it shifts the dial from climate anxiety to hope, confidence, and inspiration.

Twenty-five years of University of Manchester research and co-production with groups including Natural England, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Tesco and the National Trust has led to an actionable, proven framework.

The British Academy Innovation Fellowship has meant that the RoundView is currently being trialled with community groups in UNESCO sites in the UK with the aim of developing the RoundView into a global learning resource.

Pilot Programmes

The pilot programmes in UNESCO sites have so far involved communities along the River Nith, aligned to the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Reserve. The RoundView programme has also been rolled out to libraries across Manchester UNESCO Creative City of Literature.

Project Announcements