brief n°12

What are the implications for UNESCO of the proposed post-2015 EFA goals

brief n°09

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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the UK – Current status, best practice and opportunities for the future

MARCH 2013

UNESCO has been tasked with spear-heading the global education agenda – as part of the post-2015 development debate. The organisation is well placed to take on this role – with unique experience and expertise in the field.

This report looks at the implications for UNESCO of the proposed post-2015 education goals. It asks a series of challenge questions – seeking to prompt debate and action within UNESCO. It focuses on the implications of the goals for UNESCO’s policies and practices, processes and structures.

The brief concludes that there are some important issues for UNESCO to address.

How can UNESCO develop the overarching goal into a more persuasive and powerful statement that is ambitious, realistic and comprehensible to a general audience?

How can UNESCO balance the holistic approach to education in this goal with the need for specific, measurable targets and indicators to shape the post-2015 education agenda?

How can UNESCO specifically ensure that equity is built into the goal, its targets and indicators without making them excessively complex?

How will UNESCO make better use of its convening power and influencing potential to ensure that education features strongly in the post-2015 development agenda?

How will UNESCO lead the global education community to take cognizance of the shifts in social, economic, technological and demographic realities and their impact on education systems over the next fifteen years?

How will UNESCO prioritize future attention to policies relevant to the new education goal compared to those relevant to both the overall development goals and those relevant to other areas of education?


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