Sign the open letter to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched an armed offensive against Ukraine. One month later, intense fighting continues with hundreds of lives lost, and buildings and sometimes entire cities devastated. According to the figures recently released by the UNESCO Secretariat, 53 cultural buildings (historical monuments, places of worship, libraries, etc) had been damaged or destroyed by 31 March. It is likely that figures have risen since.

We are asking UK organisations and civil society bodies to sign the letter calling on members of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to move the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee so it is not held in Kazan or under Russian presidency. Your organisation will appear in an annexe, alongside civil society bodies and organisations in other countries.

Read the Open Letter

Sign the form


Address UK National Commission for UNESCO, Suite 98, 3 Whitehall Court, London

Questions? [email protected]