UK UNESCO Chair Survey

The UK network of UNESCO Chairs is an extraordinary network of world-leading experts delivering impact in the UK and worldwide. You are at the forefront of shaping policy in the UK, other countries, and at the UNESCO and United Nations level. However, the UK National Commission for UNESCO does not have a macro-view of your impact. This means we cannot effectively tell your story to key stakeholders in the UK Government and further afield. It also means that you cannot show your key stakeholders this network’s impact. This small questionnaire, therefore, aims to map your networks with UNESCO and the UK Government (and public bodies) to help shape how we work with you in the future and help us effectively prepare for a Chairs Colloquium in 2023.

It is structured into three parts: (1) about your UNESCO Chair; (2) Your work with UNESCO and how you are delivering change at the UN level; (3)  your work with the UK Government, public bodies and other countries.

Your data will only be kept by the UK National Commission for UNESCO, and we will make the results available to you at the Chairs Colloquium in 2023.

Thank you very much for completing this survey. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Please read our privacy policy here if you have any questions about how this data will be used.