
UNESCO World Book Capital

Established in 2001, the UNESCO World Book Capital is designed to promote books, reading and a love of literature. One city is chosen per year to be the UNESCO World Book Capital.

International UNESCO/Simón Bolívar Prize

The purpose of the Prize is to reward an activity of outstanding merit which has contributed to the freedom, independence and dignity of peoples and to the strengthening of a new international economic, social and cultural order.

International UNESCO/José Martí Prize

The purpose of the International UNESCO/José Martí Prize is to promote and reward an activity of outstanding merit in accordance with the ideals and spirit of José Martí.

Shenzhen Design Award for Young Talents

The Shenzhen Design Award for Young Talents (SDAY) is an international, professional competition for young designers under 35 who are from one of the UNESCO Creative Cities worldwide.

Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize

The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize was created in 1989 to honour individuals or public and private bodies or institutions that have made a significant contribution to promoting, seeking, safeguarding or maintaining peace in conformity with the United Nations’ Charter and the Constitution of UNESCO.

UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science

By bridging the gap between science and society the benefits of scientific knowledge can be used to improve daily lives, empower people and find solutions to global, regional and local challenges. In order to strengthen communication between science and society it is important that efforts made in bridging the gap do not go unnoticed.

Green Chemistry For Life Grant Programme

Established to give young scientists involved in research in green chemistry and allied areas in biochemistry, geochemistry, biotechnology, ecology and healthcare ample opportunity to demonstrate their inventiveness and provide important input to sustainable development.